In essence, everyone needs to recognize & end the
Usurpation of Power by the Few i.e."the 1%" or "elite" who should really be known by who they really are
Organized Criminals
To Overcome the Usurpers AND Immunize Ourselves against them - We Must All Make the Mind Shift ... ree_99dom/
from the current top-down, hierarchical, Pyramidian Paradigm
- which concentrates power at the top in the hands of the few
-- for
eliteDom, or Corporatocracy in its present form
to a new
elite-free paradigm
- which puts power back in the hands of the many
-- for elite-free, 99Dom or
elite-free Dom, or Co-opecracy
to decenter the 1%
BECAUSE 99% > 1%
- this is what they distract us from
- this is why they divide us AND
- they keep us divided with never-ending stream of Narratives and Counter Narratives [ 'X' vs 'Anti-X']
through their media AND through their gatekeepers, embedded in those media
We must exit/bypass ALL the means by which they use to usurp us with
Let's start by shunning Corporate "Social Media": ... st_system/
Re-call the story of Belshazzar's Feast and The Writing On The Wall ... 20numbered.
Imagine if everyone gathers here:
The Wall for Accretive Dialogue & Direct Public Accountability
- an open platform, available 24/7, 365 days p.a.
(A) for Accretive Dialogue, with:
- one another
- Public Servants i.e. anyone who serves the Public, be they in Government or in the Private Sector
(B) to log & track:
- all concerns & requests from the Public to Public Servants
- all proposed solutions & ideas
- all official responses
- Periodic follow-up reviews (every 3/6 months) i.e. Public Servants are required to report back on open/ongoing matters
that all may see and weigh together
Edited Jan 25:
1. Do you know what is 'kayfabe'?
2. Do you think kayfabe is only for entertainment?
3. Should kayfabe be called out, especially if an unwitting audience is being involved in it?
4. Do you see any kayfabe happening right now? If "Yes", are you calling out the kayfabe?
Another observer: "We're living kayfabe right now, where nothing is as it seems."
What the kayfabe we're living right now is all about:
A Distraction! For everyone to remain on the Ship headed for Dystopia
We are being distracted from real change:
Let's all just jump ship for an elite-free Utopia!
The key to knowing whether someone is part of the kayfabe, or not:
What does s/he talk about?
Is it:
- the 'New World Order', or
- the Better World Order?